Before My First Event.

November 9th, 2018.   10:31AM 

Im sitting in a Starbucks in front of Washington Square Park. Im so excited but yet so nervous on what will happen later today on being a part of my first ever event! But you see, I’ve never displayed my work in an art gallery nor event before. Im still just a kid that decided to pick up a camera to put me in a relax state. To forget about everything else. Picking up a camera was probably the best decision I’ve made in my entire life. This decision in my life has helped me throughout my first several month not just as an aspiring photographer, but also as a person. The fact I’m able to network through social media to get to where I am today in unbelievable, the fact that there’s so many artist out they’re trying to express themselves in their own way is unreal. I’m happy and glad that I can say I’m one of them. I have a couple hours (3 hours) left to spare before I have to head out to Brooklyn to meet with the other artist. I really do wonder how it will turn out.  Wish me luck (to those that care haha).


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