My Day Before Photoville
On Sunday September 23 at 11:00am I made my way from Huntington Station to Jamaica Train Station to meet up with one of my friends. His name is Josh and I met him through photography, we have a-lot in common and we both pursued to take the best pictures that we can. From there he lended me his 50mm full frame lens, I've never had one and it was incredible! I've actually heard many bad reviews on the lens but it was staying up to par on what I was trying to accomplish. I decided to see if he would want to trade lenses for a week and he fairly agreed. He lended me his 50mm (which I'm loving at the moment) and I lended him my 25mm wide angle lens. After that we decided to explore the city to see what we can find (Its about 12:00pm). In the span of 6-7 hours we went from Jamaica,Downtown Manhattan, China town, & Times Square. We both got are pictures in and he was happy about the results, I was happy swell but something wasn't fitting to my liking. Something was bothering me and wasn't able to solve what it was. The result of trying to solve the problem was to just let it go. Josh and I decided to take a train back to Jamaica, he wanted to call it a day so I agreed. (Fast Forwarding about 10 stops from Times Square) As we were getting closer to downtown Manhattan, it hit me. I was forgetting that I had to go to Photoville located under the Brooklyn Bridge. It was about 7:30pm but they were still doing a night showing (Until 9). I asked Josh if he wanted to go but he decided to pass on it due to personal obligations. As we approached Atlantic Station I said my goodbye to Josh and got off.
From Atlantic I made my way to Photoville. As I approached the area I really couldn't believe how many people were there and it was absolutelty amazing! As I walked in I was greeted by a different variety of people to check out there work. each picture/ art work that was at Photoville was displayed in a Metal shipping container. The containers were huge and viewing each picture in these shipping containers gave a different feel for a picture. For about an hour and a half I walked around and I noticed there was stairs. I went up and there was more shipping containers with much more work. I walk into this one container and it displayed work from the 1900-1970's I glance at each one of the pictures and once I turned my head to the right I noticed this picture called "Casualty". It displays a boy that was attack by British soldiers. This picture here really got to me, the emotion and how powerful this image is. It makes you wonder and realize and "Casualty" made me realize that I'm living my best life and there is so much you are able to accomplish. So we can't take things for granted. This was the fitting picture to end my day on a good note.
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