A Bit About Myself.

In high school I played baseball for the past 4 years. I received scholarships from several schools but decided to further my education at Suffolk and I knew that I would have been on board to play baseball at Suffolk. After senior year was over I was in a bit of a scandal were I felt like I lost everything. Wasn’t able to play baseball nor do much in my settings. I felt like I was nothing for a very long time. A friend of mind convinced me to join a photography class I agreed but I did it without acknowledging what I was getting myself into. The semester I took the photography class would forever change my perspective at life. Being dumb for not seeing the bigger picture has affected me for basically my whole entire life. Photography has opened up a horizon for myself. Picking up a camera has shown me discipline in not just photography , but the real world.
Im thank my friend that convinced me to take the class and I’m thankful for the professor that helped me along the way during the duration of the class. Im not gonna look back and continue in this journey I call happiness.
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