Reaction Paper #2

Professor Juan enter into my life right after a close friend of mine convinced me to take a photography class. From there i have bloomed into the person i am today. As my friend convinced me to take the class Professor Juan inspired me to keep pursuing photography. So all do out of respect this reaction paper is about Professor Juan on what he does and how he does it. Professor Juan is a commercial and Fine Art photographer. To be honest with you i think im less likely to enter commercial photography but it could be a good start into my career. Anyways as a said Professor Juan is also a Fine Art photographer. When i was able to sit down and talk to him for my final project interview he had so much to talk about when it came to fine art photography. From fine art photography he let me know on who i was dealing with. He shared with personal things with me that i wouldn't even imagine but the puzzle pieces were just kept being put together and it's absolutely amazing on why he started. Professor Juan at the age of 7 received his first camera on christmas day a small point and shoot camera forever change his life and he already knew what he would do until the day he passes. From the rest of the things he has told me about himself which i wish i can tell you much more but it's much harder SO next blog i will post my final essay to help you better understand. But it was much easier to absorb his information because i was able to relate and he helped me realize what the purpose of photography really means and what it can do for one self. To take a picture is one thing but to be able to express yourself is another so i thank professor Juan and hope we keep staying in touch.


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